
The first time I met Jill she was moving from Tennessee and she told me that day she was trying to have a baby. Time passed and Jill told me more about her struggle for conceiving a child. Procedure after procedure failed. Jill’s struggle made me realize how many more women were struggling to conceive a child. Society plays a major role in this too, how many time the first question one get asked is “when are you going to have a baby?” Or “you’re going to see how much more life means when you have a child”. Society deems that to be successful women you have to have children.  If you don’t some kind of way you failed to contribute to society.  Jill is a great person, who is compassionate, a great friend, someone who always helps helpless animals. She takes her job seriously, she is a veterinarian. She is a patron for the arts. After a while, when Jill couldn’t conceive, she made the choice to adopt. Jill was not angry at any higher power for not being able to conceive her own child. Although this is Jill’s story, it is also her husband’s story because adoption isn’t easy on everybody, but for Jill and her husband it was the right choice. While adoption has become more main stream, there is still some stigma attached to it.   Adoption is a wonderful gift, the gift to give a child a chance for a better future, in some case a chance of life simply.